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Residents of Warsaw’s Wola district came up with the initiative to name the square on the corner of Waliców and Grzybowska streets after poet Władysław Szlengel. A link to the petition on this matter can be found, inter alia, on the TSKŻ’s FaceBook profile on Facebook. The initiative and a request to support the idea came from: the Association of Residents and Friends of Wawelberg Colony and social organizations – Kamień i Co, Wola Mieszkańców and several other foundations and associations operating in Warsaw’s Wola district. The figure of the poet and “ghetto chronicler” is particularly close to TSKŻ and the editorial office of “Jewish Word”, therefore we are always willing to support any initiatives to commemorate this outstanding poet. In addition to many artistic events organized by TSKŻ, during which works by Władysław Szlengel were presented, on the initiative of our association, in 2013, the book “Władysław Szlengel – unknown poet” by Magdalena Stańczuk (Bellona Publishing House) was released, and in 2018 “A window to the other side” the TVP Television Theater show had its premiere , directed by our editor-in-chief and director Artur Hofman in one person.